IOM Factsheet on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) – 2024


The Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS (ABAS) adopted unanimously by world leaders during the Conference presents the vision for the future of Small Island Developing Stats (SIDS) want, and how to get them there. The next ten years will be critical for SIDS. A new context is emerging. As is a new drive for solutions – and migration is part of the solution. 

37 SIDS are member states or Observer States of IOM. With a strong operational presence across the three SIDS regions – through full-fledged Missions, or projects and other forms of national stakeholders’ engagement – IOM is in a unique position to put to practice the vision under the ABAS programme of Action. 

The 2024 edition of the IOM and the SIDS Factsheet presents the IOM offer of support to SIDS and flagship programming that contributes to harness the power of migration to chart a course toward resilient prosperity in SIDS.