IOM Factsheet on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) – 2024


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) proudly announces the release of the 2024 edition of its external-facing Factsheet on Small Island Developing States (SIDS). This publication aligns with the outcomes of the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4), which recently took place in Antigua and Barbuda. This latest edition articulates IOM’s support around the the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS (ABAS) and presents some of the latest IOM programmes, projects, and initiatives. These efforts contribute to:

  • Building resilient economies: fostering safe, healthy, and prosperous societies.
  • Scaling-up climate action: mainstreaming disaster risk reduction.
  • Fostering ownership with tailored solutions: ensuring sustainable development and resilience.  

IOM's Engagement in SIDS

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) engages actively with 37 SIDS Member or Observer States. With a strong operational presence across the SIDS regions, IOM is well-positioned to implement the 10-year ABAS vision. IOM contributes to the UN Development System, providing annual inputs for the Secretary-General's report on the SAMOA Pathway and the Mauritius Strategy, highlighting human mobility solutions to accelerate development outcomes in SIDS.

IOM Initiatives and Support

Since 2020, IOM has invested nearly USD 300 million in 244 new initiatives in SIDS, advancing the SAMOA Pathway priorities and progressing towards all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Notable initiatives include:

  • Pacific Region: supporting labor migration pathways to address demographic challenges and build economic diversification skills.
  • Maldives: implementing border health management to respond to infectious diseases and mitigate COVID-19 impacts.
  • Cabo Verde: promoting economic recovery and diaspora engagement through entrepreneurship and investment programs.
  • Pacific Islands: enhancing border control to combat human trafficking and improve labor standards.

Fore more information on IOM and its work on SIDS, please contact :

IOM, Departement of Data, Insight and Policy Coordination (DIPC)

Policy Support and Coordination Unit