Step 3: Implementation

This step involves translating migration and development priorities into concrete interventions. Actors should also keep in mind that in many cases strong political support will be needed to push forward the implementation process. 

Access the full Implementation Section in the guide.

The guidance here is applicable for policymakers focusing on taking action around SDG targets that explicitly reference migration, as well as targets where migration is a cross-cutting theme. Those focusing on the latter type of targets, where migration will be mainstreamed into different sectors, would benefit from further specialized advice on designing interventions in their particular area. Guidance in this section will help policymakers navigate the process of these interventions, for example, how to mainstream migration into a particular sector.

When looking at designing specific interventions, actors can also consult other resources, such as the Interrelations between Public Policies, Migration and Development by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the Handbook on Migration Mainstreaming by the Global Migration Group, which includes a compilation of programmes and activities across sectors, and other resources.

1. Choosing Approach and Interventions

Actors must determine what interventions are most effective and appropriate in the context of the targets they are prioritizing. A number of different interventions could be taken forward in different contexts: at a policy level or at a programmatic level, or a combination of both.

Conducting a review of existing relevant structures and mechanisms may be a useful exercise to start developing ideas on what interventions would be best. This involves assessing institutions, strategies, legislation, policy frameworks, plans and projects that are relevant to migration and development against prioritized SDG targets. This will help map and review potential synergies, identify any incoherence, and ensure there is no duplication of effort.

See some Examples of Possible Interventions.

Helpful Tip

Use existing tools to assist the review of existing migration and development frameworks and of policy coherence in the M&SD governance at local and national levels (list and description here).

Hold consultations or meetings to conduct this review or gap analysis. Discussions should include the definition of target beneficiaries of interventions, identification of stakeholders relevant to implementation (including governmental and non-governmental actors), discussion of resources needed, and possible ways to increase these if needed. There should also be an assessment of existing technical capacity to carry out interventions, as some capacity building may need to be undertaken as part of this.

Implementing bodies may also wish to consult with IOM or other organizations on potential interventions. Organizations can have significant experience in various SDG target areas and can help propose interventions tailored to local or national context that are policy- or programme-based. Past examples of migration mainstreaming projects can also be consulted, for example, the UN Joint Migration and Development Initiative’s Success Stories highlights some examples and links them to the 2030 Agenda.

2. Mobilizing Resources

Sources of funding may need to be identified. If this is taking place under a wider SDG implementation process, follow whichever resource mobilization strategies this entails. If not, or in addition to this, draft a resource mobilization plan to show which proposed interventions require additional resources, and a strategy for approaching development cooperation partners and other potential funding sources.

Hold bilateral meetings and consultations with all implementation partners involved, development cooperation partners and other potential funding partners. Discuss objectives and funding gaps, and funding partners’ interests in particular areas. Possible funding partners might include:

  • Existing local and national sources of funding for development activities
  • SDG-related funds
  • Migration-specific funds from development cooperation partners and multilaterals
  • Innovative migration-related sources of finance, for example:
    • Remittances, especially to help achieve projects at a local level.
    • Other diaspora contributions that could help fund interventions, including through any dedicated foundations or private sector initiatives.
3. Develop and Implement Action Plan

Finalize all planning processes of interventions. If taking place as part of wider SDG implementation, follow whichever formalized planning processes this entails. If not, or in addition to this, draft a working Migration-SDG Action Plan. This will summarise the prioritised SDG targets, list interventions towards addressing them and go into more detail on their design.

Validate the plan with all stakeholders involved and following this, adopt it. It is advisable to maintain the plan as a living document, to account for updates or potential changes in interventions and to allow for more interventions to be designed and added before 2030.

Use this tool for identifying Migration-SDG Action Plan Criteria.