Consultant - Urban Community-Driven Development Specialist


Recognizing the relevance of urban Community-Driven Development (CDD) for various objectives, IOM plans to develop a comprehensive tool to streamline different approaches, addressing the unique challenges faced in urban settings. As a result, IOM seeks to engage a consultant to consolidate existing programmatic tools and effectively address the challenges of urban CDD. This will support the organization's efforts to enhance the impact of its interventions in urban contexts, promote sustainable development, and foster inclusive and resilient communities.

Organizational Department / Unit to which the Consultant is contributing:

The Consultant will work under the overall supervision of the, Director a.i. Department of Peace and Development Coordination and the direct joint supervision of the Sr. Programme Officer (Migration Governance & Sustainable Development), Sustainable Development Unit and Livelihoods and Resilience Officer (DS), Transition and Recovery Division.


The primary objective of this consultancy is to develop a comprehensive approach for IOM's community-driven development in urban settings by consolidating existing IOM approaches to community engagement and local governance. This will involve examining the current use of participatory and CDD approaches in urban areas, identifying challenges, and providing recommendations and practical tools. The consultancy aims to achieve the following:

1. Review and consolidate existing programmatic tools, manuals, and other guidance materials to create a versatile toolkit for applying community-based approaches in diverse urban settings. This toolkit will include practical tools and recommendations for adjusting IOM's CBP approach, focusing on the roles of communities and local government authorities, beneficiary targeting, and community mobilization. The toolkit will be piloted in various urban settings, serving as a practical and adaptable tool for planning and management. It will guide the design of participatory urban programs and address multiple challenges faced by communities, including those related to disaster risk reduction (DRR), internal displacement, migration management, and local governance. The toolkit will encompass the diversity of IOM's interventions across the humanitarian, development, and peace pillars, offering practical tools and indicators for measuring the impact and sustainability of interventions.

2. Select, draft, and analyze case studies where the toolkit can be applied, providing key recommendations for each scenario. These case studies will serve as examples for the practical application of the toolkit, demonstrating its adaptability and effectiveness in addressing the unique challenges of urban community-driven development. The case studies will be carefully chosen to represent diverse urban settings and a range of challenges faced by communities. They will be used to pilot the toolkit's implementation, allowing for real-world testing and refinement of the tools and recommendations provided.