Recognizing the Contributions of Migrants and Diasporas to Climate Action: Migrants4Climate Award 2023
Related Sustainable Development Goals and Global Compact for Migration Objectives
The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and the Global Forum on Migration and Development have released a call for nominations for the Migrant4Climate (M4C) Award 2023. This award is for migrants and diaspora projects that have demonstrated their dedication to fighting climate change.
The competition has four criteria in order to win:
Inclusion: “The degree to which the nominated Initiative has engaged and mobilized migrants, diasporas, and their community, towards climate action and sustainability.”
Innovation: “The level of creativity, uniqueness, and effectiveness of the nominee's contributions to sustainable solutions.”
Impact: “The extent to which the nominee's actions have positively impacted climate change mitigation, adaptation, or resilience-building efforts.”
Inspiration: “The nominee's vision and ability to foster cooperation and partnerships among diverse stakeholders in addressing climate change challenges.”
The deadline for nominations is 15 September, 23:59 UTC. To nominate and to learn more about the award, visit the Migrants 4 Climate website.