MIGNEX – Aligning Migration Management and the Migration-Development Nexus
Mira Ivanova, MIGNEX Project Manager, Peace Research Institute Oslo, miriva@prio.org
Related Sustainable Development Goals and Global Compact for Migration Objectives
MIGNEX – Aligning Migration Management and the Migration–Development Nexus – is a five-year research project (2018–2023) with the core ambition of creating new knowledge on migration, development and policy. It involves researchers at nine institutions in Europe, Africa and Asia. It is one of the largest-ever European-funded research projects on migration. MIGNEX informs the development of European policy, but the project is carried out independently and produces findings and recommendations that may or may not support prevailing policy positions in the European Union.
MIGNEX is carried out by a consortium of nine partners: Peace Research Institute Oslo (coordinator), Danube University Krems, University of Ghana, Koç University, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Maastricht University, the Overseas Development Institute, the University of Oxford and Samuel Hall.
MIGNEX is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme.
Key objective
MIGNEX is driven by one overarching objective: Contribute to more effective and coherent migration management through evidence-based understanding of the linkages between development and migration. In other words, our primary job is to show how development processes affect migration and how migration processes affect development.
The motivation lies in the promise of better policies. By better policies we mean policies that achieve their stated objectives, pull in the same direction, and engage with conflicts of interest in a meaningful way.
Main activities
MIGNEX connects researchers from nine institutions in ten different countries to conduct and disseminate research on the two-way relationships between migration and development and to formulate how that understanding should be used in policymaking.
They shift the research focus from the national to the local level (click on the map to make it larger and go here to learn about all 25 of the local areas in which they collect data) and employ methods that have rarely been used in research on migration and development.
Key successes or innovative factors, good practices and lessons learned (if available)
MIGNEX will produce more than eighty publications in the course of the project. The diagram shows how the number of publications will grow over time. The bulk of MIGNEX publications will be available from mid-2021 onwards. Check out the latest research findings here.
Their research touches on a diverse number of topics including:
- migration drivers
- migration impacts
- migration legislation
- migration-related policy
- policy coherence
- project management
- research methods
- third-country cooperation
- transit migration