Municipal Office of Service to Migrant Neighbors

Related Sustainable Development Goals and Global Compact for Migration Objectives

SDG 4: Quality Education
GCM 15
GCM 16

Key objective

Lima was selected as a recipient of the inaugural Global Cities Fund for Inclusive Pandemic Response, a $1,000,000 initiative to respond to the unmet needs of cities as they support migrants, refugees, and internally displaced people (IDPs) during Covid-19. The objective of the project is to establish a new municipal office to address the needs of migrants in the Cercado de Lima district by connecting them to the City’s broader suite of healthcare, employment, and other social services. 

Main activities

The Municipal Office of Service to Migrant Neighbors in the Cercado de Lima district offers the district’s residents, workers, and passers-by a suite of services related to employability, health, case management for women at risk of gender-based violence, and other social services, while also connecting them to the city’s existing social service centers in other areas of the city. In addition, the city is promoting healthy interaction between long standing residents of Lima and their new neighbors through intercultural activities within public urban spaces, in close association with civil society groups and other local partners.


Migrants and host community members in the Cercado de Lima district

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