Strengthening border management, social cohesion, and cross-border security in the Parrot’s Beak area

Related Sustainable Development Goals and Global Compact for Migration Objectives

SDG 8: Decent Work
SDG 15: Life on Land
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Key objective

Parrot’s Beak is in the southwestern part of Guinea, where the respective territories of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia meet, in a curved point of land between the Meli and Mokona Rivers. The movement of people and goods has increased in this region considerably in the last two decades with recent signs of criminal networks taking advantage of the lack of coordination between states and the vulnerability of border communities, to organize human trafficking and smuggling. Funded by the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund, the objective of the joint programme is to address these challenges through an integrated border management approach that allows for addressing security, development and humanitarian concerns. The joint programme aims to strengthen management capacity among Guinean authorities at the southern borders; reinforce trust and collaboration among state institutions and target border communities; and improve social cohesion among crossborder communities.

Main activities

An interesting component of this programme is its integration of public health and epidemic control factors, a lesson well-learned from the Ebola crisis. For example, trainings in rapid detection and response to epidemic threats for point of entry officers will be conducted, and protective equipment and hygiene kits provided. This will be of particular relevance in the current COVID-19 response. Partnerships are a cornerstone of this joint programme. In addition to strong government ownership, coordination with neighbouring countries, and close engagement of affected populations will be prioritized. Also, the project will forge partnerships with the Mano River Union, a sub-regional organization, to complement ongoing work in border security and community cohesion, and will work closely with private financial service providers such as Afriland First Bank and Ecobank, to establish cross-border community credit unions.


Local authorities, border communities

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Diaspora, Migrants’ Associations and Remittances; Employment and Entrepreneurship; Governance; Social Inclusion and Human Rights
International Labor Organization (ILO); International Organization for Migration (IOM); UN Women; United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR); United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA)
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Employment and Entrepreneurship; Governance; Social Inclusion and Human Rights
International Labor Organization (ILO); International Organization for Migration (IOM); UN Women; United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR); United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA)
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