Round 1 Report on IOM-UNDP Seed Funding Initiative to Fast-Track Joint Response to the Socio-Economic Impact of COVID-19
Related Sustainable Development Goals and Global Compact for Migration Objectives
In October 2020, the Principals of International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) agreed on priorities for a reinforced partnership between the two agencies at country, regional and global levels. Among the first steps in translating the commitment into practice, both agencies launched a joint Seed-Funding Initiative in December 2020, preceded by a call for proposals, to support the work of Country Offices in addressing the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on migrants and communities in nine countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America (Bangladesh, Belarus, El Salvador, Guinea, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, the Republic of Moldova and Peru).
The report of the first round of the Seed-Funding Initiative is intended to provide a general overview of the initiatives, lessons learned and recommended action points to chart the way ahead to strengthen and amplify the IOM-UNDP collaboration. Working closely as One UN is essential to “build back better” from the pandemic. This seed funding initiative has proven that by working hand-in-hand, we can create more unified, equal and sustainable communities in the wake of COVID-19 on our path towards longer- term socio-economic recovery in line with national and local plans and strategies.
This report includes an analysis of key findings for ensuring success and sustained impact through this joint UN partnership. It also outlines a suggested path forward for integrated approaches to migration, COVID-19 and sustainable development that rests on collaboration between the UN, local and national governments, civil society organizations, diaspora and migrant associations and so many more essential partners.
The general section of the report is complemented by two-page fact sheets of each of the nine projects, including key findings and opportunities for future collaboration. The report is intended to serve as a quick glance at what can be achieved when we work together to empower migrants to build strong, safe, resilient communities that can withstand challenges, such as the current pandemic. See also our Project Map, which includes each project below in detail.
The report includes:
To access the report of the second round of the Seed-Funding Initiative, click here.