How to Optimise African Diaspora Engagement in Local Development?
29 Sep 2022 / 11:00h - 12:30h
Time zone
Africa-Europe Diaspora Development Platform (ADEPT), International Partnerships InfoPoint
The aim of this conference is to present the main outcomes of a study that has been launched by the Africa-Europe Diaspora Development Platform (ADEPT), a pan-European Diaspora network established in 2017 and based in Brussels.
More specifically, this study aims to:
- Improve the understanding of African diaspora organisations’ engagement in local development in Africa, in particular its specificities.
- Explore modalities for more effective, efficient and sustainable diaspora organisations’ engagement in local development on the African continent.
- Ascertain the role African diaspora organisations can play to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable local development.
- Jorge Pereiro Pinon, Team leader, INTPA A2- Regional and Multi-Country Programmes for Africa
- Mirana Rajoharison, Executive Director (ADEPT)
- Camille Traoré, Researcher - Les Afriques dans le Monde, Sciences Po Bordeaux
- Claire Neuschwander, Expert on Migration and Development, Red Mangrove Development Advisors
Please note: the presentation will be in English and the Q&A session will be in English and French