Integrating Migration into Urban Development Interventions



Cities are often at the frontline for integrating migrants and facilitating their social and economic inclusion, responsible for developing and implementing urban programmes and the management of service delivery systems. City and local governments, in many contexts, deal directly with the practical realities of managing and providing for the education, health, housing, and social service needs of migrants. We also know the pressures on cities have never been greater as a result of globalization, urbanization, COVID-19 and constrained finances. And yet, it is estimated that 65% of the 169 targets underlying the 17 SDGs will not be reached without the engagement of local governments. 

While migration policies are often national level responsibilities, cities and local governments play a critical role in providing services to meet the needs of migrants. During this 75 minute panel, IOM, UN Habitat and the EU will jointly discuss the recently launched Toolkit for Integrating Migration into Urban Development interventions to explore the connection between migration and urban development and to showcase a series of tools for development practitioners to integrate migration into local development priorities. The Mayor of Dhankuta Municipality of Nepal and the Director of International Cooperation at the Urban Commune of Antananarivo will also join the panel to discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with the socioeconomic (re)integration of migrants and to highlight successful local level policies.


The event will raise awareness on the need for integrated solutions and approaches for addressing the impacts and opportunities of urban migration. Participants will leave the event with an improved understanding of the connections between migration and urban development and how to create more equitable urban futures. This understanding will be informed by concrete examples from municipalities around the globe including from Madagascar, Ecuador and Nepal. This will be a hybrid event bringing together a diverse panel with local level representatives, UN partners and EU staff. The presentations will be interactive, with a moderator to help guide the conversation and ensure that the discussion remains interesting and dynamic.

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