Side Event: Cities as Front-line Actors For the Inclusion of People on the Move - Building Sustainable Structures to Leave No-one Behind


This side event is expected to provide a platform for dialogue on the successes and challenges in the implementation and localization of SDG 11 as well as other urban-related SDGs, with a strong focus on the role of cities in ensuring a sustainable socio-economic integration of forcibly displaced population, in light of recent events impacting Ukraine, Moldova and other countries. 

Expected outcomes of the side event:

- Present good practices of cities responding to new emerging displacement trends and flows.

- Raise awareness on the role of cities as front-line actors for the inclusion of forcibly displaced

- Support cities in learning about and implementing inclusive policies that benefit their communities. 

- Explore and identify new partnerships to ensure a sustainable socio-economic inclusion of forcibly displaced population. 

- Contribute to a growing and robust network of cities, city-led organizations, and UN Agencies

- Exchange knowledge and good practices that increase economic, social, and cultural inclusion at the local level.

- Identify funding and knowledge gaps relating to refugee and IDP inclusion, focusing on non-EU countries.

- Contribute to the discussion on transition from short-term standalone humanitarian solutions towards the longer-term inclusion and integration of displaced populations in urban development planning.

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