Webinar - Equal Partnerships: African Intermediary Cities as Actors and Partners in Urban Migration Governance


© FAU 2023

Event objectives

  • Launching the Equal Partnerships’ website with videos, blog posts, podcast episodes, and six in-depth studies on multi-stakeholder partnerships in Garissa (Kenya), Gulu (Uganda), Kumasi (Ghana), Oujda (Morocco), Saint Louis (Senegal), and Sfax (Tunisia). 
  • Strengthening dialogue and networks between practitioners and researchers focusing on migration and displacement in African intermediary cities. The event reunites a diverse group of actors to continue an exchange initiated at the Zolberg-FAU workshop on African intermediary cities in 2022.

Equal Partnerships Africa is witnessing an ongoing transformation from rural to increasingly plural urban societies. While this transformation has been well-documented, the focus of scholarship and practice has been predominantly on human mobility towards and into major urban areas and capital cities. In contrast, intermediary cities, the in-between the rural and the metropolitan, have been largely absent in academic and policy debates. Through participatory research, workshops, and networking formats, Equal Partnerships brings together local, national, and international actors to develop practical impulses and policy recommendations to co-shape multi-stakeholder partnerships for urban migration governance in African intermediary cities.

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