Skills mobility partnership for better employment in Tunisia and Switzerland

Related Sustainable Development Goals and Global Compact for Migration Objectives

SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 8: Decent Work
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
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Tunisia is experiencing high levels of unemployment at 15%, particularly for youth which leads to low youth civic engagement and high emigration rates of skilled specialists for Europe. Through the Skills Mobility Partnership, the project will support the Tunisian government in formulating a universal approach to labour mobility and skills development that will boost human capital and development in both Tunisia and Switzerland. As Switzerland is among many countries in Europe that faces labour shortages in different sectors, the country has made an agreement with Tunisia to enable young Tunisians to strengthen their professional skills through traineeships in the area of their expertise in Switzerland.

As part of the IOM-UNDP Global Programme on Making Migration Work for Sustainable Development, the project will support the Tunisian and Swiss Governments’ efforts to leverage Skills Mobility Partnerships to address labour gaps, while supporting young people to move safely and develop new skills.

Key objective

The overall objective of the initiative is to support the Tunisian and Swiss Government’s efforts to utilize the potential of existing Skills Mobility Partnerships to address existing labour market challenges in both countries and support youth skill development, with a specific focus on supporting the development of the effective implementation mechanisms for the Young Professional Agreements.

Main activities

  • Developing partnerships between Tunisian and Swiss private sector companies, Tunisian career and employment centers and diaspora organizations to strengthen mechanisms for search, selection and placement of young qualified Tunisians for the trainee positions in Swiss companies;
  • Organizing technical consultations to develop standard operating procedures for pilot implementation of Skills Mobility Partnership programme with selected companies;
  • Piloting facilitated recruitment and placement of young Tunisians for traineeships in Switzerland;
  • Developing A Skills Partnership Approach (SPA) guidelines and recommendations on standard operating procedures on implementation of skills partnership initiatives;
  • Organizing training sessions for the staff of career counselling and employment agencies staff and other relevant institutions on running PDO sessions and career guidance support to youth on Swiss traineeships;
  • Jointly with career centres and national employment agencies and other relevant institutions, developing the curriculum for pre-departure orientation (PDO) group sessions and the guidelines for the individual counselling sessions to prepare young Tunisian professionals to enter Swiss job market;
  • Conducting pre-departure orientation (PDO) sessions are organised for the selected candidates;
  • Organizing training sessions for the participating companies to promote awareness on ethical recruitment and intercultural competencies;
  • Setting up and running an online dialogue on a yearly basis with the participation of interested stakeholders to allow regular exchanges of views on the project among them throughout the 24-month of implementation.


Young Tunisians; private sector companies in both Tunisia and Switzerland; career centres and national employment agencies.

More Projects

COVID-19; Employment and Entrepreneurship; Governance
International Organization for Migration (IOM); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
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