Evidence-based migration policy planning and discourse in North Macedonia

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Relacionados y Objetivos del Pacto Mundial sobre Migración

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
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Objetivo clave

North Macedonia is affected by strong mixed migration movements but lacks reliable data on which to build its migration policy. Funded by the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund, the objective of this joint programme is to strengthen national capacity to collect, share and analyse data and support the development of an evidence-based migration policy. The joint programme also focuses on using evidence gathered to raise awareness about migration amongst the general public and prevent xenophobia and stigmatization of migrants and refugees.

Principales actividades

The initial needs assessment was carried out through a consultative process during which the UN agencies and the national government were actively engaged. With the emphasis placed on data exchange amongst key institutions and the active involvement of the State Statistical Office and three different ministries, this joint programme is strongly anchored on the whole of government principle. The joint programme also integrates the whole of society dimension as evidenced by engagement with various stakeholders including regional intergovernmental organizations, national civil society organizations, think-thanks, private sector, academia and local communities. Complementarities with existing or planned programmes have been identified and will guarantee sustainability. In particular, the joint programme will ensure the integration of the migration dimension in key existing data collection mechanisms such as the upcoming census and the annual labour force survey. Innovation is also very present through the support provided to the country in experimenting for the first time with the usage of large sets of proxy data, or “big data”.


Policymakers, migrants and refugees

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