Return and Reintegration Platform

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Relacionados y Objetivos del Pacto Mundial sobre Migración

SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 8: Decent Work
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
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The Return and Reintegration Platform is an essential feature of the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) that has been established in 2017 under the Pilot Action on Voluntary Return and Sustainable, Community-Based Reintegration funded by the European Union.

The KMH aims at assisting the implementation of the EU-IOM Actions in support of migrant protection and reintegration by ensuring coherent methodological approaches; harmonising monitoring and evaluation activities; setting up knowledge management tools; and producing knowledge products.

The Return and Reintegration Platform has been developed in this framework, as a global tool to disseminate knowledge and good practices in the field of return and reintegration. Foreseen to serve as a catalyst fostering exchanges between practitioners in host, transit and origin countries, the platform facilitates sharing knowledge, expertise and lessons learnt with peers and, for the first time, collects relevant publications and resources gathered in one place. Users are invited to take part in online discussions through thematic groups, attend online courses and webinars, but also to contribute to this community of practice by sharing additional resources and publications and showcasing flagship initiatives.

The Platform is built on three main features:

  1. A virtual community of practice allowing for peer-to-peer discussions, accessible to registered members.
  2. Webinars and proposed e-courses to foster knowledge sharing and learning.
  3. A repository of resources providing access to hundreds of publications related to return and reintegration (reports, manuals, guidelines, studies, etc.), published from year 2000 onwards.

While the Platform's homepage displays highlights and direct links to the three above functionalities, the remaining sections of the Platform provide complementary information:

  • Spotlight: this area, updated on a regular basis, contains a collection of articles about news, events, stories from the field, initiatives related to the KMH, the EU-IOM Actions or any major information on reintegration initiatives or resources.
  • Initiatives: an interactive map displaying reintegration initiatives allows users to view and search for initiatives/projects part of the EU-IOM Actions and beyond.