Rwandan Diaspora Engagement Projects
IOM Belgium and Luxembourg
40, Rue Montoyer, B-1000 Brussels – Belgium
Tel : +32 2 287 74 35
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Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Relacionados y Objetivos del Pacto Mundial sobre Migración
The objective of these projects is to address the needs of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and the Health sector in Rwanda through the engagement of diaspora professionals in Europe. Previous diaspora mapping exercises conducted by IOM showed that the majority of the Rwandan diaspora in Europe would be willing to contribute to the development of Rwanda, whether through a skills and knowledge transfer initiative or through mentoring.
Objetivo clave
In the context of the TVET project, a selection of 30 highly qualified Rwandan diaspora male and female professionals will temporarily relocate to Rwanda in order to give a training of trainers (ToT) to TVET trainers and students in identified priority courses of the Rwanda Polytechnic’s (RP) host institutions, namely in the eight Integrated Polytechnic Regional Colleges (IPRCs) across the country. Ultimately, the aim of the exchange is to bring the diaspora trainers and the trainees together and share knowledge, ideas and skills addressing a number of local needs. Under the project, ten selected projects received financial support from IOM and mentoring from the selected diaspora professionals. These pilot projects will contribute to the development of local initiatives, create jobs and improve the relation between diaspora and their Rwandan counterparts.
For the Health project, 30 health professionals from the Rwandan diaspora in Europe will also temporarily relocate to Rwanda to provide health services and to engage in skills transfer with local hospital staff. The IOM Office in Rwanda, in close cooperation with IOM Belgium, the Rwandan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MINAFFET), Ministry of Education (MINEDUC), the Ministry of Health (MoH) and Rwanda Polytechnic (RP, in charge of TVET), is responsible for the implementation of the project activities.