COMMIT: Facilitating the Integration of Resettled Refugees in Croatia, Italy, Spain and Portugal

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Relacionados y Objetivos del Pacto Mundial sobre Migración

SDG 8: Decent Work
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
gcm 5
gcm 6
GCM 15
GCM 16
GCM 19
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The COMMIT project recognizes that successful integration of resettled refugees depends on fostering the mutual exchange between refugees and host communities, as well as enabling structural conditions. The project focused on refugees’ integration and topics related to pre-departure orientation, community sponsorship, mental-health and psycho-social support and more.

The COMMIT projects is implemented in partnership with Adecco Foundation, Consorzio Communitas, UNISTRASI and funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union.

Objetivo clave

Tthe COMMIT project aims at maximizing the integration outcomes of resettled refugees in Croatia, Italy, Spain and Portugal. The COMMIT project facilitated the integration of resettled refugees, working to strengthen and better link pre-departure and post-arrival support by mainstreaming resettled refugees’ specific needs. In an effort to empower refugees, the project also built the capacity of host communities to accompany refugees in their integration journey, including through mentorship schemes.

Read the full project brochure.

    Principales actividades

    The project carries out three main activities:

    • Enhancing pre-departure orientation, including putting refugees and reception community members in touch since the pre-departure phase and through the development of targeted pre-departure orientation training material.
    • Strengthening community support, including activating mentorship schemes in receiving communities to support vulnerable groups.
    • Fostering transnational exchange between newer and more experienced resettlement countries to identify and disseminate lessons learnt and best practices beyond the project’s geographical scope.

    Éxitos clave o factores innovadores, buenas prácticas y lecciones aprendidas (si están disponibles)

    At the close of the project, a final event on 29 April 2021 intended to contribute to mutual learning and experience sharing on the integration of resettled refugees in Europe. The event took stock of the activities undertaken during the project, good practices identified, and lessons learned from the project’s implementation.

    Please see their report Labour-market Integration of Resettled Refugees in the EU: Guidelines for Practitioners.


    Resettled refugees and host communities, primarily in Europe

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