Maximizing Diaspora Engagement - Building Trust, Mobilizing Resources and Ensuring Sustainability: Insights and Reflections Paper

Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Relacionados y Objetivos del Pacto Mundial sobre Migración

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
GCM 16
GCM 19
GCM 23

The 2021 Virtual Global Diaspora Exchanges focused on the themes: Building Trust, Mobilizing Resources and Ensuring Sustainability. The exchanges explored the best practices across the regions and unpacked concerns and opportunities in supporting diaspora to reach their full potential. iDIASPORA, GRFDT, CISAN  and  ADEPT  recognize the growing importance of the discourse on empowering the diverse range of diaspora actors in their endeavours to participate in homeland development. This reflection paper outlines the insights and recommendations, as well as key highlights from the global exchanges.