IOM's Written Submission on Migration and the SDGs at HLPF 2022
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Relacionados y Objetivos del Pacto Mundial sobre Migración
At the invitation of the ECOSOC President, International Organization for Migration (IOM) submitted its written input to the High-Level Political Forum 2022. In this year's submission, IOM underscored the linkages between migration and sustainable development, highlighting the role that well-governed migration can play to mitigate the negative impacts of COVID-19, stimulate strong socio-economic recovery, and build more inclusive societies that protect human rights and are better prepared to address future crises.
The submission identified key bottlenecks linked to COVID-19, mobility, and sustainable development, and summarised 11 acceleration points to support COVID-19 recovery and achieve the SDGs through well-managed migration.
Built on the theme of this year's HLPF, IOM also gave insights into how migration can contribute to achieving the SDGs under review in 2022:
- SDG 4 – Quality education
- SDG 5 – Gender equality
- SDG 14 – Life below water
- SDG 15 – Life on land
- SDG 17 – Partnership for the goals
Based on the analysis, IOM encourages States and experts to:
- Reiterate the importance and transversality of migration as a core development consideration, to build back better from COVID-19, and to see migration as an accelerator for the attainment of the SDGs.
- Reiterate the centrality of the GCM and the power of multilateralism to leverage migration for accelerating response and recovery efforts and keep the achievement of the SDGs in sight, and to guide the development and implementation of migration laws, policies, practices consistent with its principles.
- Strengthen the positive impact of human mobility on societies and sustainable development to advance the role of human mobility as a global public good for a renewed global social contract.
- Proactively and coherently integrate migration into national development and policy strategies and international cooperation efforts, including the UN System’s Cooperation Frameworks.
- Consider migration as a transversal element of analysis and encourage reporting on migration policies and programmes in their Voluntary National Review (VNR) and Voluntary Local Review (VLR) processes, in order to support the sharing of good practices across countries and regions.