Peer Exchange: Grants for Diaspora Organizations


About this event

PEGs are opportunities to showcase successes and facilitate learning between the 11 countries in the Making Migration Work for Sustainable Development Programme. They are continuous knowledge exchange and capacity development groups, open to all stakeholders (local and national governments, UN Agencies, civil society etc.). They aim to help you in your work by learning from other experiences and experts.

The Second Virtual Peer Exchange Group will showcase concrete examples of grants for diaspora organizations, act as a space to receive practical advice and ask questions to other experts in real time, with an end goal to also support the Republic of Moldova as they establish a grants programme of their own. Moldova’s grant programme will support diaspora associations to carry out socio-cultural activities
that encourage Moldova’s development
(more information forthcoming).

Diaspora often list funding and financial support as one of their greatest challenges for mobilization to support their home communities. Grants programmes are one way to overcome this. This discussion encourages peer-to-peer learning to improve current and future diaspora grants programmes, which will ultimately enable the global community to better capitalize on diasporas’ wealth of knowledge and skills
to support sustainable development in communities, improving wellbeing, services, governance & more.

We invite any experts to partake in our e-discussion, an online forum with guiding questions to gather insights from experts on diaspora grants to encourage peer exchange and learning outside of this event. Please remember to sign up to the M4D Net, as this is a private e-discussion.

Agenda in brief

  • Welcoming remarks
  • Presenting Moldova's diaspora associations grant programme
  • Panel 1: Reactions from panellists to support Moldova with examples and good practices on facilitating grants for diaspora organizations
  • Panel 2: Good practices and experiences with grant management
  • Plenary discussion: Participants from the floor are invited to ask questions and provide further insights, advice and share their experience
  • Wrap-up of discussion
  • Closing remarks and planning for the next exchange

Please note that this is a closed event; invitations will be sent directly by the organizers to participants.

More Events

11 - 12 Juil 2023
Organisation pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO); Organisation Internationale du Travail (OIT); Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM); ONU Femmes; Nations Unies; Fonds des Nations unies pour l'enfance (UNICEF); Programme des Nations unies pour les établissements humains (PNUEH); Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population (UNFPA); Observatoire National de La Jeunesse, Ministère de la jeunesse et des sports