Optimizing African Diaspora Organizations Engagement in Local Development

Objectifs de Développement Durable Connexes et Objectifs du Pacte Mondial sur les Migrations

SDG 8: Decent Work
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
gcm 2
gcm 6
gcm 7
GCM 16
GCM 19
GCM 23
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In the context of amplifying the influence and impact on both Europe and Africa, a study was conducted to explore African diaspora organisations’ engagement in local development, improve understanding of the impact of African Diaspora Development Organisations (ADDOs) based in Europe on local development in Africa, and to inform policies, programmes, and practices. 

The analyses are based on a scientific and technical literature review, an online survey, interviews with international and African development related organisations, and in depth case studies of projects on which ADDOs and African authorities cooperated. The report scrutinises ADDOs functioning, partnerships, funding and project management. It takes a specific look at ADDOs’ relationships with European and African authorities, the impacts of their actions to achieve locally the sustainable development goals.

According to this study, the 3 key success factors to engage diaspora in local development are:  

  • An inclusive and localized approach: direct ADDOs engagement on projects referring specifically to SDGs taking into account women, youth, and environment-related stakes, and aligned with the national and local strategies in their area of intervention;
  • Capacity building: increase ADDOs internal capacities to design, raise funds and implement (directly or as partner to a decentralised cooperation project) projects which are relevant for beneficiary populations, coherent in the local context, implemented with effectiveness and efficiency, and sustainable; and
  • An enabling context of intervention: favour an enabling context of intervention both in Europe and Africa and support a greater visibility of their contributions to social and economic development in the residence and origin countries